Sunday, 11 June 2017

Am I alone in my musical appreciation?
It is billed as the world's ugliest music.  A long lecture by a mathematician explains the principles of Harmony and then argues that it is because of what he calls 'repetition'  that gives all Art, including Music its 'beauty' presumably the only interesting aspect of Art.  Then he explains how something that is not just random, but even more 'dissonant' in that it avoids all repetition.  The resulting succession of notes is played on a piano so that no pair of notes have the same interval.

Amongst all the negative comments attempting to ridicule the music, presumably comparing it to Pop, I wrote:
Dare I admit that I enjoyed it very much. It was the unexpectedness of the progression that delighted me. It must be possible to generate 'harmonies' by this method so the 'music' or 'soundscape' has genuine dissonance.