Saturday, 18 September 2021

Spring Equinox, 2021

 It is Full Moon and the Spring Equinox.  What better time for a new start.

Australia is suddenly a World Power.  We are in the top few in the Olympics, and now we are leading the Free World in opposition to the Chinese Communist menace.  We were the first to call for a Wu Han-Covid Enquirer, and now we have drawn the British and Americans into our Eastern Hemisphere as part of a new tripartite partnership.

Australia still shows our-self as a naive, inexperienced, junior player that has just been bumped up into the Major League.  Again, we botched the diplomacy, almost as if deliberately so bridges are burnt behind us and there is no turning back.

The French Presence in the South Pacific has always been contentious.  They did nuclear testing here years ago and there was some scandal with a protest vessel in New Zealand a while back.  

Q: How many 'quarters' does a sphere have?  A: Eight.

Our World has four in the Northern Hemisphere, each side of the Atlantic and Pacific, and similarly the Southern Hemisphere has four in the South, Africa, South America, East and West Australasia.  The USofA and Aus both straddle two quarters, while China (the East) Europe, Africa and S.America have one each.  

We are such a third world country, mainly exporting Raw Materials and manufacturing few of our goods, and our Service-Export-Industry is restricted to Education (selling our secrets).  Perhaps over the next decade we will come of age.  If Centuries are for Nations, like Decades are for people, then Australia is like someone who has just had their Twenty-First birthday and 'has the key of the door', even though we also have a very ancient identity in our split-personality that we are still resolving, like an adolescent having counseling to cope with two disparate parents.

Australian Culture has three main streams.  There is a 'C' besides the Aboriginal and British, and that is the folk-culture of the largely illiterate and hence unrecorded Celtic culture, including a form of People's Sovereignty that has survived along side Aboriginal Sovereignty that was never totally obliterated and of course our version of British Sovereignty with a tripartite Government based on the Crown.  It is manifest in the Union Movement through its unique internal structure, and is sometimes ridiculed or portrayed as Bogan/Westies Culture.  It is to be found in Motor Racing, though inconsistently but for Historical Reasons, the Melbourne Grand Prix is not a Working-Class Festival in a Public Park, but an Elitist, International, big-money junket in a privatized park.  While the Labor Party supposedly gives voice to this nearly-half of the population, it is a divided Party that includes young defectors from the ex-British Establishment who were the Whigs in the old British system with enlightened, progressive views compared to the staid Tories, but who now call themselves Socialists because their Social Conscience makes them feel guilty for being born with purported advantages in the random lottery of life.