Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Income inequality

Income inequality hinders economic growth, but astonishingly, it is the disparity at the lower end of the distribution that is the problem, not high incomes. Hence, we need to do more to lift people out of absolute poverty, instead of obsessing about relative poverty. Measures to attack the super-rich (such as progressive taxation) not only fail and are counter-productive, but divert attention from the real problem, not comparative poverty but absolute destitution.
CLOSING the gap between rich and poor boosts economic growth, according to new analysis from the OECD.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Ilrael's Incentive to Succeed.

Tel Aviv dubbed ‘world’s smartest city’. Does the existential threat from surrounding hatred reduce Israel's potential, or does it push Israel to excel, and hence survive and succeed?
The White City's 'digital revolution' receives international recognition in annual Smart City Expo

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Bob Carr - anti-Semite

“This grandstanding by Bob Carr is all about him. It’s nothing more than an obsession on Bob Carr’s part,” Mr Frydenberg, the government’s only Jewish MP, said.

“He is a real opportunist. He’s been silent as we’ve seen ISIL or ISIS go ahead and engage in beheadings in Iraq and Syria and butchery and genocide but he’s just obsessed with the Israel-Palestinian issue and I just think it’s because he’s got relevance deprivation syndrome.”
LIBERAL MP Josh Frydenberg has savaged Bob Carr’s patronage of Labor Friends of Palestine, branding the “lazy” former foreign minister an “opportunist”…

Friday, 7 November 2014

Israel's "extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties."

Israel's "extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties."

Hamas, the militant organization, Dempsey said, "had become very nearly a subterranean society," burrowing underground and hiding amongst the civilian population.
Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says US military learning from Israel's

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Greater Gaza - the Palestinian Soution.

Hello, after a long time.

For a while I have been thinking about re-starting to repost items that are important to me but which might be obscure and easily missed or misrepresented by opposing propaganda. I suppose Trolls must be tolerated!

The first issue is the future of the so called Palestinians, the descendants of the Biblical Philistines. Many are crowded into the tiny Gaza Strip. Many of them, and many more in Jordan and other surrounding countries genuinely believe that Israel will soon cease to exist, the Jews will all be gone, perhaps exterminated, and all these Refugess and descendants of refugees will be able to return to some mythical, ancestral lands. This is the true policy of genocide but with clever publicity for persuasive oratory many people are duped into believing that it is the Israelis who want to destroy the Palestinian Arabs. Another similar reversal is the charge of apartheid, even though Arabs who stayed or returned to Israel now enjoy full citizenship rights, in excess, particularly for women, over people in any other Arab or Moslem country, but Jews are forbidden to live in any Arab or Moslem country, including a putative future Palestinian State. The riots against a few Jews in an Arab neighbourhood of East Jerusalem is not seen as the apartheid that it is, but Israel is accused of the same thing, with no evidence, yet it is believed.

One solution is to extend Gaza into Sanai, which is huge and largely uninhabited. The Palestinians could have a country of significant size, perhaps retaining sovereignty over most of the West Bank. This suggestion was supported by Egypt's President al-Sisi but he dropped the whole idea when it was rejected by the Palestinian representatives, presumably because it recognised Israel's right to exist. The un-resettled refugees, now into their third or fourth generation, are testament to the policy that Israel is only temporary and will soon be gone.

It is also perpetuating the problem by continuing to let the Palestinians define their "two state solution" as including half Jerusalem. Israel has endlessly made it clear that Jerusalem is now never to be divided, and that the Palestinian exhortations are merely an ambit claim and that in private discussion it is agreed that Jerusalem will remain Jewish and undivided. However, publicly this claim for half Jerusalem still resonates, especially with extremist Islamists. If it is not going to happen, it should be dropped. The Australian Government should separate the claim for half Jerusalem from the claim for a State under the "Two State Solution" and agree to one but not the other. The Australian Government could make this clear by building an Australian Embassy in Jerusalem, perhaps from land bought at inflated price from departing Arabs in East Jerusalem, also perhaps coming with an offer of resettlement in Australia with a clear progression to full Citizenship.

Thank you for reading this. I don't know how many of the many hundreds of previous likers of this page will still receive messages. Perhaps it will lead to a flurry of unliking, but I hope everyone who has ever read my messages supports the existence of Israel as a Jewish State in the Biblical land that Jews have venerated daily since the expulsion by the Romans. I am attempting to add a link to an article about the issue, so you can see it is real.

Naum Tered…/5404420…
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza? It is a question that has been puzzling analysts and observers for some time. But belatedly, there are indications of…

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Wowsers, very naughty Conservative.

The wowsers only have themselves to blame. In past decades, comparatively harmless drugs were used by a minority. The "war" supported terrorists and boosted the Criminal Justice System but made recreational drugs ever more popular. It has now got out of control. Our world is run by idealistic fools whose naive attempt to outlaw synthetic happiness is, perhaps, destroying civilisation as well as lives. The recent concession to sanity of legalising marijuana in a few places has come too late to regulate drug use.
The psyco-cyber dystopia of science fiction has arrived.
THEY call themselves "psychonauts" and synthetic drugs are their newest fixation.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Money Wasted on Global Financial Crisis Recovery.

It is curious that the Coroner's Report has just now been released, in time for maximum effect before the election. One might ask if Queensland Coroner Michael Barnes is a Liberal Party member.

Australia did survive the Global Financial Crisis better than most countries, but the massive government expenditure might not deserve total credit as the time lag meant much of its effect was after the recovery. However, the first Rudd Government deserves praise for effort, even if it was knee-jerk, badly planned and had some disastrous consequences including deaths. The media are playing up this issue and resurrecting all the negative propaganda they can find, but by now many people will regard it as history and their timing could be premature as the issue will run its course before the election is finally called, probably in October after the Football finals, or even in November, by which time the Rudd Government may have established their credentials.
(PS: sorry for the photo, I spelt pink bat wrongly while searching : -)
KEVIN Rudd's home insulation scheme put the need for economic stimulus ahead of human life, with the pace of the rollout and a disregard for safety warnings major factors in the deaths of three young men.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Full support for recognition.

The referendum to recognise the first Australians in the constitution deserves our full support. It will be an important step in righting past wrongs, give aboriginal people, particularly the young, the self-confidence to overcome present hardships, and fill this foundational gap in our otherwise excellent constitution.
AFL legend Michael Long will kick-off a nationwide relay in Melbourne to raise awareness about constitutional recognition of indigenous Australians.
New Whig
New Whig Aboriginal people themselves want this, Ben. Please support them.
ALMOST a half-century after Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders won the right to be counted as…
New Whig
Ben Reeson
Ben Reeson Why do you think it will do those things?

Is it not a bit patronising to just label all Indigenous as the same? Does it not separate them from the rest of us? And lastly, is it not just a bit of a bandaid over white guilt?
...See More
Like · Reply · Message · 1 · 26 May 2013 at 15:25
New Whig
New Whig I am worried about this question, which seems obvious to me. You appear to be concerned about genuine problems faced by Aboriginal Australians and worried that this significant constitutional recognition will not solve them. For Aboriginal people, it...See More
New Whig
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Ben Reeson
Ben Reeson You didn't answer my question though - why do you think it will do any of those things? How does it actually help Indigenous who die years younger than the rest of us, etc?

Sure, a nice move, but what if anything will it actually change? Like the Apol
...See More
Like · Reply · Message · 26 May 2013 at 23:14
New Whig
New Whig I posted two answers, one official and one by Aboriginal people. It is not what I think but the desire by Aboriginal people themselves.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Early Monarchist post with comments.

Now Geoff Gallop, former premier of Western Australia is having a go. He puts forward the same, tired arguments, but there is a poll at the end and anyone can respond, please do.
The annoying thing for monarchists in Australia is that despite the referendum, Queen Elizabeth and the attractiveness of the younger Royals, the…
New Whig
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New Whig
New Whig Here is my response to Mr Gallop. He repeatedly refers to the British Monarchy, as if it is a foreign institution. Firstly, the Australian Crown is now separate from the other realms that share our Monarch. Secondly, and most important, all our publ...See More
James Perkins
James Perkins I agree, what to do about the reserve powers is problematic. Even nothing might not turn out to be 'nothing', if electoral mandates are involved.

I certainly don't want Australia to lose its Parliamentary character to a US style-presidency.
Like · Reply · Message · 17 May 2013 at 23:17
New Whig
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James Perkins
James Perkins Shouldn't we have a head of state that is a citizen of this nation?

Our institutions are not British, they are Australian! Straight out of the gate we were a more democratic nation than the UK. How many women could vote over there in 1901?
...See More
Like · Reply · Message · 17 May 2013 at 22:44
New Whig
New Whig You are way off. The person who does all the acts of head of state is the Governor General, not the monarch. You are right that we have made all our institutions our own, but they are not just vaguely based on the British ideas but are intrinsically ...See More
James Perkins
James Perkins Calling the Monarchy 'Australian' doesn't make it so. And I understand what a governor general does. I also understand that Common Law certainly is important for law-making and human rights in Australia. Becoming a republic won't change that; British C...See More
Like · Reply · Message · 17 May 2013 at 23:12
New Whig
New Whig Better than the car analogy is our shared language. We still speak English, though we have an Australian accent and a lot of our own words. However, it is the same language and no one can deny its origin. In answer to your other point, it is the Crown that is separate and now uniquely Australian, not the Monarch who wears it.