Saturday, 5 July 2014

Money Wasted on Global Financial Crisis Recovery.

It is curious that the Coroner's Report has just now been released, in time for maximum effect before the election. One might ask if Queensland Coroner Michael Barnes is a Liberal Party member.

Australia did survive the Global Financial Crisis better than most countries, but the massive government expenditure might not deserve total credit as the time lag meant much of its effect was after the recovery. However, the first Rudd Government deserves praise for effort, even if it was knee-jerk, badly planned and had some disastrous consequences including deaths. The media are playing up this issue and resurrecting all the negative propaganda they can find, but by now many people will regard it as history and their timing could be premature as the issue will run its course before the election is finally called, probably in October after the Football finals, or even in November, by which time the Rudd Government may have established their credentials.
(PS: sorry for the photo, I spelt pink bat wrongly while searching : -)
KEVIN Rudd's home insulation scheme put the need for economic stimulus ahead of human life, with the pace of the rollout and a disregard for safety warnings major factors in the deaths of three young men.

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