Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Naughty Conservatives

Conservative opposition to Constitutional recognition of Australia's first people is derailing the proposal. Without universal, bipartisan support it will fail. Instead of working to bring the "Constitutional Conservatives" on board, they are being appeased to the point of abandoning the referendum. Damien Freeman and Julian Leeser are "reluctant to support changes to the constitution that might have unintended legal consequences." However, they do not spell out these hypothetical consequences, which one might assume would be a Judicial extension of Aboriginal rights. The argument is that in Multicultural Australia, all segments of society, racial or otherwise, should be treated equally and blindly before the law. However, Aboriginal Australia is a special case, as these people were the first owners of this country and should be recognised as such. Reconciliation Australia is fighting a losing battle as Aboriginal Australia is gradually being assimilated out of existence instead of being accepted as the foundation of Australian culture.
Is the Indigenous leader’s latest manoeuvre veering to the pragmatic or cunning?
James Perkins and Tom Diprose like this.

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