are the same thugs who are clear-felling our forests and sending our
native species extinct. The Forestry industry justifies its existence
within the Labo(u)r movement for providing jobs for remote, bush
communities, letting them continue to destroy the bush. Far more jobs
would be created from eco-tourism, but they are thugs, who like
destroying things and don't understand. For too long the Labor Party
has profited from the spoils of destroying Australian Bushland.
We should be phasing out timber, especially from Native Forests,
including the power poles, some of which are enormously high and must
have been magnificent, mature trees, home to countless birds, animals
and insects before being cut down, probably when all its surrounding
bushland was destroyed as well. Of course plantation timber is fine,
but all Native Forests, including regrowth as well as pristine forests,
should be off limit for harvesting, though already dead wood should be
removed for fore prevention as well as for use in furniture. The
culture of aggressive destruction that is required for the mass animal
slaughter that accompanies "Forrestry" has infected our building
industry and led to this extreme point. If the CFMEU came to an end, it
could be good for Australia. New Whig as a principle supports Unions,
but is against "big Unions" in the same way there is a limit to support
for Business, when it starts to become monopolistically "big Business".
biggest construction union is under siege amid a record $3.55 million
payout, a push for deregistration and an expected flood of further…
James Perkins It's pretty appalling how much politicians (from both sides) will break their own laws to appease the loggers and the CFMEU.
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