Monday, 24 August 2015

Ice Plague

The "Ice Plague" is the consequence of keeping marijuana illegal. The un-winable, ongoing, profitable war against drugs has been equally profitable for the other side. For each Legal or Medical job that is created by the social distortion created by the self-serving Criminal Justice System there is one "crime boss". Sadly, profit is not the only motive behind our counter-productive laws, there are some stupid, but powerful people, who suffer from Dunning-Kruger, which is the psychological tendency for people with very little actual knowledge of a subject to think they know everything about it. As predicted back in the '70s, if recreational drugs remain illegal, they will grow in popularity due to the untaxed, unregulated "pushers", and will grow in strength because any product or service on the black market tends to the strongest or most extreme version. All the medical and social problems that "drug users" suffer from are the result of the illegality of the drugs not the drugs themselves. This includes the single negative risk of marijuana (compared to the many from alcohol) of a small percentage of people being susceptible to mental problems that can be triggered by the drug, however, the blanket ban on marijuana is uniformly ignored by a significant percent of the population, and that includes those at risk, but within a properly regulated environment, without meaningless social stigma and the inevitability of secretive underground use, those at risk can be targeted and warned, and treated for a health problem not abused as criminals. Far more people are damaged for life by receiving a criminal sentence. The biggest joke are the "Conservatives" who claim they believe in personal freedom with minimal Government interference, but when it comes to the Recreational Drugs of the "lower classes" their true, totalitarian nature is exposed.
THE surge in cannabis crop houses linked to serious org­anised crime groups is being used to finance the state’s ice trade boom.

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