Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Bob Carr was bitten by the anti-Semitism Bug

My letter to The Australian, that they probably won't publish.

Somehow, Bob Carr was bitten by the anti-Semitism bug which has a strange hold over otherwise rational people.

"Peter Baldwin does a good impersonation of an old-fashioned anti-Semite in his defence of Bob Carr (Letters 24/12) His list of issues ignores the refusal by Palestinians to accept Israel’s right to exist. His reference to “illegal occupation” is a matter of Legal debate, and either refers to suburbs of Jerusalem that Israel regards as its undivided capital, to half of which the Palestinians have no historical claim and have other potential capitals, or it refers to the very existence of Israel that is expected to eventually vanish by the generations of refugees who are waiting to return instead of resettling elsewhere, such as in Greater Gaza in Sanai. "

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