Monday, 21 November 2016

The future Duke of Clarence, perhaps.

It is usual within the our Royal Family for Princes to become Dukes on marriage.  Prince and Princess William became Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  Exactly which Dukedom is announced at the time.  York has been used for second sons, but it is his Uncle's title so Harry will need another.  New Whig is tipping that Prince harry will be the future Duke of Clarence  a title held by Queen Victoria's Uncle, who was briefly William IV.   

Monday, 14 November 2016

Ways of looking at the world.

It is my belief that our physical universe is a four dimensional phenomenon  that moves through time) and that the three dimensional universe that we all perceive is actually just our perception.
This is best understood by thinking of us living in a two dimensional universe.  This has been often used as a way of thinking, including ‘Flatland’, and other fictional and educational descriptions.  If this two dimensional world is just our perception of the three dimensional universe that actually exists, then it would be like looking at the world on the sides of a cube, where there are six ways of looking at the same reality, but seeing it as a flat, two dimensional realm.

If this analogy holds, then our three dimensional perception of the underlying four dimensional universe would actually exist in eight different forms, equivalent to the six sides of the cube.  An alternative interpretation would be to see the three orthogonal directions that form the basis of Cartesian space as looking at the unbounded world rather than on the side of a cube, but accepting that this view, while in the same linear direction can be viewed in two, opposing ways, so that there are six orthogonal directions, with our analogy giving us eight three dimensional universes, that are all simultaneously existing in four pairs of opposites. 

It is necessary to see one and minus one as two different forms of unity. The entire Number Line is derived ‘a priori’ from the successive addition of unity to non-existence, and the further manipulation of the so-created ‘positive integers’.  While this Number Line can be extended to include the infinitude of negative numbers, in many relationships there Is no negative equivalent, or the positive and negative relationships are separate and distinct, often mirror images of each other, rotations, or other symmetries.  It is only in our simple minds that we think of the number-continuum extending through ‘zero’ but the truth is that it extends out each way from this central point that is actually non-existence itself; our perception of ‘zero’ as a ‘number’ is to ascribe existence in some ontological form to the essence on non-existence.  This is one of the flaws in the Logical System that purports to deduct ‘reality’ from First Principles.  

Having accepted unity and negative unity as separate entities, in the same way we can accept positive and negative electrical and magnetic charges as different, but related entities, then we can go on the understand the square root of unity has four different forms.  While the square of unity is unity, as are all the ‘powers of one’, the reverse perception produces quite a different landscape because there are four forms of Unity that can be squared to give us the same unity.  Now, however, we must include the square root of minus one as also existing as a valid ontological manifestation of Unity.

In Mathematics it is quite common, if not almost universal, to include the number line based on this pair of forms of unity: square root of minus one and negative square root of minus one, and to do calculations in Electronics using oscillating circuits and fields of electromagnetism, one must use what are called ‘complex numbers’, as if this dimension actually existed in our real world, though we are unable to sense it directly with our physical senses.  It is not unreasonable to believe that the actual, real, ‘material’ universe that we somehow exist within (and in ways and for reasons that are beyond present human knowledge we are able to ‘know’ about) includes this higher ‘unreal’ dimension.  

This necessitates a tesseractical world-view rather than our existing cubic perception of our environment.  Having eight different ways to perceive this within our three dimensional minds, means that we all have these different ‘universes’ to inhabit, and more important they come in four pairs of opposites.  This is why so many people hold world-views that are inimical to what some other people believe is the only true, possible reality.  It is like looking into one facet of a cut gem, while the other facets reflect different views of the surroundings in a kaleidoscope of apparently different realities, while only the truth, the essence of the whole, lies within.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Prince Andrew faces backlash over 'extraordinary' Brexit comment

Prince Andrew faces backlashover 'extraordinary' Brexit comment

His opinion of Mr Trump is telling. It has often been thought by some that generally most Royals are very egalitarian in theire own way.

HRH's actual comment was not just that individually, both Brexit and Trump are bad, but that together, the combination is bad which is more complex.  It is probably right as Trump's stated foreign policy would stifle Britain's opportunities after Brexit.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Peace in Jerusalem

Peace in Jerusalem is possible with a few adjustments in ideas.  Perception is everything.

By whatever name, there must be some form of Palestinian autonomy.  The present disputes are between limited, extreme forms of power devolvement, or are ways of denying any such autonomy or making it total and absolute with Israel’s destruction.   Centrist positions based on a peaceful co-existence are rarely considered.   We must not be satisfied with a compromise that binds everyone into an unsatisfactory stale-mate indefinitely.  Political autonomy can belong to a sub-set of a society without needing territorial divisions.  Palestinian autonomy could be developed as Palestinian Statehood within a Greater Israel – a State within a State.  

Remaining un-divided, Jerusalem can also act as the Palestinian Capital, because it will be a shared capital, not a split city.  There are advantages of shared embassies and Israel is in control of security.  But it will take good will. The only way to achieve real Peace in Jerusalem is for the mutual denial of each other’s declaration of Divine Unity to end.  There must be genuine mutual religious acknowledgement.  It is time that Jewish Rabbis accepted that the Prophet of Islam pbuh is a true Prophet to the Gentiles while not a Jewish Prophet.  Islam is equivalent to Judaism, as for example, in the way that Halal and Kosher are one system within another.  

Our two religions should be in harmony with each other.  It could start anywhere.  It would be most excellent if a Yeshiva joined up with a college for the training of Imams, and in doing so the two religions would work together to find the deep similarity between them.  There is no end to the level of co-operation that might be achieved in centuries to come, once the process has begun.  It is possible to imagine Judea as a Theocracy, where everyone complies with Jewish Law or Sharia Law depending on their faith, and the two co-exist like fraternal siblings who love each other.  

Even though Judaism is much older, in a way Islam is more universal, so it is possible to see Judaism as another strand within Islam like Sunni and Shia; while they dispute the lineage of the Caliphate after the Prophet pbuh, Jews deny there was any such lineage at all, which is quite different from denying the Prophet phuh.  

If Jerusalem were to become a Palestinian Capital, it would be logical to extend that to any re-established Caliphate, which is a consideration that might frighten people more than a mere Palestinian State with its own little Capital within a walled ghetto of a split city.  It frightens me, I am stopping thinking of this now.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

The Australian Crown

Far too many well-educated, intelligent people do not really think about issues they support or oppose.  The Australian Crown is a good example.  The Republican Movement is driven by the self-assigned ‘intelligentsia’.  These people are often in positions of power and influence and on matters pertaining to their particular fields of expertise they are paragons of rationality and are elevated to a higher Academic Degree for that very reason.  However, on other Social Issues, about which they have no greater expertise than the vast majority of other people who do not have academic excellence, exceptional ability to do well on Intelligence Tests and Exams, their opinions are motivated by Emotions and Sub-Conscious mental activity.  

Dunning-Kruger is the name given to the frequent behaviour of someone who is actually very ignorant about a subject believing themselves to know everything there is to know about it and present themselves as confident experts on the subject, prepared to fight against those who disagree with them, who might actually be people who do know more of the real truth.  There is also a tendency amongst people with expertise in a narrow specialisation to believe that their authority in that case can be extended to an equivalent authority in everything, even though they share a lack of knowledge and a propensity to visceral beliefs with everyone else.

When New Whig FaceBook page started, one of its repeated themes was support for the Australian Crown.  Perhaps it is time to try to find those posts, or rewrite them.   Rebuffing arguments with individuals has no effect on the widespread belief-system within a Social Group, and even if the individual has been convinced by some argument or other, their new thoughts on the subject quickly fade as they readopt the dominant views of their micro-societies.  Even without the deliberate insults it is hard to sustain enthusiasm, and observing so many people wallowing in their own ignorance as though it was proof of their egalitarian nature, by being no more rational than how they see their mental inferiors, and being on the receiving end when people refuse to contemplate ideas that contravene the prejudices they took in with their mothers’ milk, and resort to vulgar insults to distract from the real issues to avoid cognitive dissonance.

By keeping it simple, Republicans can avoid many ramifications of such a fundamental change.  It is perhaps too hard for people to