I am an “angry white male”.
For those who don’t know, Senator Leyonhjelm has complained to the Human
Rights Commission about Fairfax Media calling him something that did not
actually offend him, but under Section 18C some other people could be
offended. The Senator’s proposal is to
illustrate the absurd extremes that this legislation could be taken to arguing
that therefore it should be repealed totally, even though in all legitimate
cases people are genuinely offended by untrue and horrific accusations.
In Philosophy, a single counter-example will disprove a
proposition, and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, but these are
examples where something fails in total if it has a single discrepancy. However the worth of legislation such as 18C
that prevents genuine suffering to people from gratuitous insults does not
cease to have value for them because it can be also be used in a frivolous way
when the insult is mild and truthful for the sole purpose of providing a
supposed ‘counter example’ to invalidate the principle on which the legislation
is based.
The Australian newspape has taken up the cudgels, saying, ‘Angry
white male case ‘ludicrous’ and promoting their claim that the holy democratic
right of ‘free speech’ must be kept untarnished by any compromise, including banning
the right to offend.
It is naïve to think that racism is not a privately held belief
of many if not a majority of Australians. It rarely surfaces publicly, and when it does
the only apology is for being caught. The
oldest and most enduring form of racism is anti-Semitism, which is even
espoused in Parliament by Greens who pretend that singling Israel out of all the
world’s countries for endless criticism and oppression and endorsing the
Islamist terrorists of Hamas somehow has nothing to do with anything Jewish.
The free speech that might be restored with the repeal of
18C would save journalists like Andrew Bolt who make ignorant and insulting
generalisations about Aboriginal people or other groups they disparage from
being brought to account. Once again,
the Criminal Justice System poorly delivers beneficial social solution, and
typically fails to re-educate them and further polarises them and stiffens
their socially un-acceptable, private opinions by meeting out a Legal penalty
that they believe is not deserved and only results from unwanted
Stand-Up Comedians, late night television hosts and ABC
journalists would be no less hampered in genuine social criticism that leads
people to a greater understanding of the feelings of others. Their extreme ridicule would continue to be
tolerated because it was done in context as it generally is now to an appropriate
audience. However, the people who would
benefit are those whose sole aim is to insult and hurt people, often crudely in
the most in-appropriate circumstances. Such
people are currently kept within like-minded, closed social groups, that regrettably
still survive. Perhaps without 18C, more
people would speak out publicly so that they can be identified and
re-educated. Most Racism springs from
ignorance and superstition.
Punishing people for having wrong ideas is counterproductive,
but we still need legislation to stop the people, though breaches should lead
to changes, not an eye for an eye.
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