Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Welcome to the Future.

Years ago, while huddled in what I thought was my imminent death bed, I hoped to live into the twenty-twenties because I thought that decade for the last few centuries seemed to presage what the whole century would look like.  At the start of the last century, cars, planes, moving pictures and phones had all started, but in a simple, minimalist version compared to how the century ended.  Looking back at the History of the last few centuries, the second decade of each century seems to be a transitive one, as though dozens overlap to form tens. 

How hysterical that Mr Trump’s Wife’s speech was purloined from Mrs Obama’s speech of eight years ago.  The Trumps are probably not to blame as the speech would have been written for her, apparently by idiots; some apprentice will be sacked soon.  Mr Trump is looking more like the inevitable winner every day.  Hi is riding above a chaotic shamble of all the organisations and social groupings that he leaves in disarray, just like a surfer catching a wave and riding above the turbulence of everyone else left behind his endless, upward trajectory.

We are suddenly seeing how different the new millennium is starting out to be from the way things were in the last few centuries of the last millennium.  A Trump-led America would be a very different place, especially teamed up across The Atlantic with a United Kingdom that is freed from Europe and perhaps also including all the Irish Counties south of the border in a United Ireland within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

The new British Prime Minister, Mrs May, has made it clear that while Brexit means Brexit, it will not happen without the full co-operation of Scotland and Northern Ireland as Brexit will not happen if it means the end of the United Kingdom.  This has never been clearly spelt out.  There must be some irony that has so far gone un-noticed in the result of the Brexit Vote, that may turn out to be the best thing for Britain, Europe and the rest of the Commonwealth. 

Turkey is on the verge of making itself ineligible to join the European Union by using Capital Punishment, as sanctioned in the Koran, but no longer considered Politically Correct in Brussels, Paris and Berlin.  Turkey and Australia have a bond sealed with blood, and a Turkey outside the EU but close to Commonwealth countries could become an important ally in our war against Religious Fanaticism. 

It would appear that Global Warming is a genuine phenomenon that needs to be addressed.  The great ironic tragedy of this issue is that it has become politicised.  Saving the Planet has become allied with the generality of Left causes.  A contract has developed between the Goddess of Society and Gaya, the Earth Goddess, promising that after The Revolution, when the Left has won the Class Warfare and ended the power of the wealthy, ruling elite, then policies will be instituted to save the environment, just as the dedicated Environmental Activists predict.  The consequence of this can be deduced from the way that different Social Groups develop a Group Psyche with its own sets of values that are not only different from that of other Social Groups, but might also not be universally held by all the individuals that make up the Group in Question.  Logical debate that tries to win over individuals within a social group cannot change the Group Psyche and the consequence is sometimes quite irrational positions on important issues that are held because they are necessary parts of the position held by that social group, and not necessarily belonging to all or even most of the individuals within the group.  Once the Environment was politicised in this way, it became an act of faith that it was wrong to the political opponents.  Without universal support we are doomed.   

Environmentalists must start to envisage a world that is lost by the Left in their pseudo-Class-Warfare, and accept a Conservative State, like Patrician Rome if it had worked out as planned without mega-egos getting in the way.  The Environment cannot continue to be the issue that will prove the end of the fight for Social Control, because even if Mr Trump does not win the Presidential Election for Leader of the West (in the Historically inevitable final showdown between East and West that has been brewing for centuries) Social trends appear to be moving in that direction over long time-scales.  Sometimes the great Earthquake is deferred for a few centuries by small, local quakes that relieve the tension in some part or other of the shifting Crust of the Earth, but eventually the underlying motion is too widespread and deep to survive with tiny corrections, and so then the big quake occurs.  Social change may be similar.  This is the issue that could end Class Warfare and begin a universal, harmonious, global society that accepts individual differences and rights, and where the different Social Groups within our wider societal structures accept each other without conflict. 

Naum Tered
20 July 2016

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