Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Dimensions of Future Global Conflic.

China’s contentious Island-building in the South China Sea must surely be a tactical diversion from their surreptitious main game, what ever it is.  It is inconsistent with traditional Chinese subtlety, politeness and intelligence, that China would incur international wrath by these actions, unless they intended to do so in order to divert international attention away from their actual battle-preparation.  It is very likely that future wars will not be fought on traditional battlegrounds, either on land or on the sea, but in two new arenas of potential conflict that have become part of human domain for the first time in human history due to technological advancements.

For all Human History, we were bound to inhabit the two horizontal dimensions.  Living on a globe, these are polar co-ordinates, not Cartesian co-ordinates, with slightly more complicated but much more realistic mathematics.  Although it is over a century since we Humans have started to conquer the third special dimension and travel vertically it is only in this New Era that we have been able to travel freely and not just zoom through, and at heights far exceeding the thin layer of Atmosphere above the Bio-sphere in which all life on Earth has previously been bound.  “Space, the final frontier” is now a potential battleground.  United States of America’s President Reagan started such a program when the enemy was the Soviet Union.  Now the potential “enemy” is the Han Republic.

Over the same time frame, another Dimension has opened up to us, one that is potentially vastly larger.  It is already called the Fifth Dimension by many because Time is called the Fourth by Physicists and Mathematicians.  It is a virtual dimension where distances are not measured using our familiar number line that adds or subtracts one or multiples of one, but instead counts using the square root of minus one, which is a number that does not exist in the “real world” where squaring both positive and negative numbers always only results in a positive number and so nothing can be squared to produce negative unity - in our “real” 3D world.

This would only be a mathematical curiosity, like the tesseract, the 4D cube that is interesting and entertaining to think about but totally useless except for modern Electronics.  In an inexplicable way, the electromagnetic energy fields and high frequency alternating currents seem only to be explicable and certainly calculable by reference to this fifth dimension and it spooky square root of minus one.
It is hard to get one’s head around the idea of this being a genuinely four-dimensional physical universe, where one of the dimensions is completely outside our sensory experience.  Indeed, our senses have a very limited awareness of electromagnetic fields, although we are immersed in them, like being submerged in an ocean of mixed fluids of different consistencies.  

Oddly, in a possibly ironic way, we all sense the supposed “force of gravity” but don’t sense electromagnetism.  Yet our “sense of gravity” is more of an effect that a cause, despite what traditional Physics (where electric currents still mostly go backwards) tells us, but that is another missive that need not concern us now..  

This multi-dimensional reality is possibly stranger that it initially seems.  We should not think of ourselves living within an orthogonal grid, with an up/down, left/right, forward/backwards in straight lines and flat zero-planes, but in spherical co-ordinates that we actually do use for some terrestrial and celestial mapping, but don’t think of in our daily lives.  

Most of us are familiar with circular trigonometry, with its Sine and Cosine Curves and regular or irregular oscillations.  These are appropriate for our terrestrial dimensions, which have polar coordinates.  However there is another entire, parallel trigonometry that uses exponential functions and these are not cyclical but are unending and expansionary.  

The Virtual world of Cyberspace only exist in our real world as fleeting and rapidly changing electromagnetic charges that are imperceptible apart from the tiny spectrum of visible light and its neighbour, radiant heat.  But it is ontologically related to our real world mathematically and significantly, gives meaning to the ”new frontier” of Cyberspace.  What can exist in Cyberspace is limited to the mathematically possible, as is our world, but the limits are vastly greater.  Adding an extra dimension is equivalent to moving from the area of a circle to the volume of a sphere, but while the circle and sphere are enclosed and limited in capacity, an exponential dimension has no such totality.

Once again, my posts have totally veered off the topic, which was that the Bai Jing government may be working on dominating Space, Outer Space, and Cyberspace, while we are devoting our military resources towards a possible future escalation in a very small, localised area, that the rest of the world should leave the China, the traditional “Central Kingdom” of the “East.  Let China have the China Seas, North and South, and the Americas, North and South can have the Pacific Ocean.

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